Spring Will Arrive [A Period Of Waiting]
The First Day of Spring typically evokes images of tiny blades of green grass, emerging tulip leaves, and red breasted robins singing their happy song as the sun rises on a bright blue sky. In our neck of the woods however, (and probably yours, as well), Spring 2020 has seen more gray skies than blue; pervasive daily news accounts of more cancellations, stock market plunges, and the advancing pandemic; and there has been only silence from schools, sports arenas, and church sanctuaries. When will things return to normal? Will it ever?
It seems like Spring is a lot farther off than it should be. In fact, the world looks more bleak and dead than lively and filled with promise.
But, thankfully, God has promised that,"While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease." (Genesis 8:22).
Spring IS going to arrive. These dark days will be a distant memory, someday. Brittle branches, empty garden beds and gray skies will give way to fresh growth and warm sunlight and budding vegetation. Schools will be filled with the sound of happy children; fans will once again root for their favorite team; and organ music, choirs, and praise bands will once again fill the air of our places of worship. We just need to keep reminding ourselves of God's promise that He will never leave nor forsake us. While we wait for this next season to arrive, cultivate love and prepare your fields. Plow out the weeds of discontent and distraction. Add richness of life to the shallowness of your soul. And fertilize your hearts with the truth that God loves you. The blessings of Spring -- and all that comes with it -- is right around the corner!
What will you do during this time of waiting to prepare for Spring (both literally and figuratively)? Post your thoughts in the comments!