Tandy’s Spiritual Journey and Statement of Faith

I was baptized at the age of seven, at the Lake of the Ozarks, in the name of Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit. I was raised in a small town in Western Kansas by my parents who would both become ordained pastors. They taught my siblings and I about Jesus at home and occasionally we would go to a non-denominational church. Most often, we would watch Oral Roberts on TV and then Mom and Dad would explain more about Jesus to us. When we moved to Topeka at the start of junior high, I began regularly participating in the weekly worship services at the local American Baptist Church with youth choir, handbell choir, and even clown ministry (!). Then, as I was entering Kansas University as a freshman, I auditioned on the piano for a place in the Organ Department. As an Organ Performance major, my education involved all things about Church Music as well as Performance. Upon graduation, and after my Fulbright year in Germany studying the organ, I began serving as organist, choir director, and children’s choir director for a wide variety of churches. In the 35+ years since starting, I have served in nearly every Protestant denomination, and have substituted for organists in Catholic Masses, as well. My background in non-denominational churches paired with the experiences in eight different mainline denominations has given me a unique understanding of the different perspectives of those who follow Christ. Concerning doctrine, I have learned to sift out secondary issues from primary issues and be able to relate to Christians of most any walk of faith. My writing and Bible Study ministries are to encourage the Body of Christ to keep looking toward Christ and prepare and watch for His imminent return. My music ministry, aside from playing the organ for worship services and accompanying the church choir, has been expanded to introduce Christ to those who have yet to meet Jesus, through my Soli Dei Gloria Productions non-profit organ concert series.

So how do I keep fueled and encouraged? As long as I can remember, I have been a student of the Bible, in which I seek diligently the character of God our Father, Creator, Sustainer, and Redeemer. I love to look for the over-arching themes and minute details from Genesis to Revelation, and am so thrilled each time I discover a new little thread of connection between the Old and the New Testaments, or the prophets and the apostles, or the Festivals of the ancient Israelites and the recorded events of Christ during His ministry on earth, or within the three Persons of the Trinity. I love the language of the old King James Version; I love the simplicity of the newer English versions like the Message; and I love the expanded versions that give different definitions within the text, like the Amplified Version. I can spend hours tracing down the references to a given word or passage, finding connections from one area of Scripture to another, and exploring the original Greek or Hebrew words. I love searching out the types of Christ in the Old Testament, and I watch daily for signs of His return, both in Scripture and by observing the world around us. I love to read commentators of the Bible to glean new insight and see a passage from a different perspective, and I love to read biblical history books, fiction as well as non-fiction, to understand the times when the Bible was written. I believe that God is telling us about Himself all the time, through His Word, through music, within relationships and community, and in His Creation. And when I discover something new about Him, or am reminded in a clearer way of how much He loves us through those avenues, I can barely contain my gratitude. I am so grateful to have an eternity to continually learn more about God, His Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit!

One of my favorite verses is found at the end of John, for it explains the wonder I feel studying the Bible. “ And there are also many other things which Jesus did, which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.” John 21:25

As a follower of Christ, I believe that:

  • God is who He says He is.

  • God can do what He says He will do.

  • I am who God says I am.

  • God's Word is true

  • God’s Word is alive and active in me.

I believe that God has called us to love Him with all our hearts, soul, mind, and strength, and to love one another as He has loved us. I believe that the Word of God, the Bible in its original form, is true and accurate without contradiction. I believe the Word of God will prove the Word of God. I believe studying the Bible is one of the greatest privileges we have, because it is God revealing Himself to us. I believe that while I am waiting for His return, I am to be busy with advancing the Kingdom of God. I believe my calling is to glorify God and make Him known to others through my music, writings, and daily interactions with others. I believe I can do all things that He calls me to do. I am to remember that I am in Christ, seated with God in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus. And I know that each day I can know more and more of the love of Christ and therefore am in the process of being filled with all the fullness of God. In relationships, I am to love deeply and hold lightly.

All else is summed up in the five points above!